
  • maybe we’re not on the beginning of our life but let’s go back and try to build it together.
  • maybe we can’t be perfect, but let’s understand that the reason we were brought together was because we complete one another.
  • maybe we don’t understand how a good relationship should be, but let’s just share the love and we’ll realize that we’ve already built it together.
  • maybe we won’t always face something beautiful but let’s decide to face it together because we proved that everything would be fine when we've kept being together.
  • maybe we’ll make a mistake - even a lot, but let’s remind our self that we’re not God who has right to judge someone, so just try to forgive then fix everything together.
  • maybe we’ll feel tired of this relationship but let’s just give us another space, just to make us believe that we can’t reach our dream without being the two of us.
  • maybe someday we’ll do too many things to make our dream comes true, let’s just take a rest for a while, let’s go back to young, laugh to everything then realize that we’ve made our life as fun as it.
  • maybe later we’ll understand that we’re not young anymore, so let’s look back on everything we’ve created and it will just make us sure that we’re not growing old alone - we’re growing old together.
  • maybe someday one of us will go, but let’s try to keep everything we created in heart, try to always live it up until that time - time we’ll be together again.

And yes, it’s not about I love you or you love me anymore. It’s all about we love for who we are and we love bigger for who we are going to be.


  1. i love this...bagus ncun..aku pengen liatin ini ke suamiku ntar...^^

  2. @njie: Wiii... Thank you ya Njie, means a lot to me. Wish it will be something useful for you and Mr. Lucky for Having You :)

  3. Hello, nice post!
    r u indonesian?
    then, slm!! haha
    wud u plz ikutu blog ini? haha
