
  • maybe we’re not on the beginning of our life but let’s go back and try to build it together.
  • maybe we can’t be perfect, but let’s understand that the reason we were brought together was because we complete one another.
  • maybe we don’t understand how a good relationship should be, but let’s just share the love and we’ll realize that we’ve already built it together.
  • maybe we won’t always face something beautiful but let’s decide to face it together because we proved that everything would be fine when we've kept being together.
  • maybe we’ll make a mistake - even a lot, but let’s remind our self that we’re not God who has right to judge someone, so just try to forgive then fix everything together.
  • maybe we’ll feel tired of this relationship but let’s just give us another space, just to make us believe that we can’t reach our dream without being the two of us.
  • maybe someday we’ll do too many things to make our dream comes true, let’s just take a rest for a while, let’s go back to young, laugh to everything then realize that we’ve made our life as fun as it.
  • maybe later we’ll understand that we’re not young anymore, so let’s look back on everything we’ve created and it will just make us sure that we’re not growing old alone - we’re growing old together.
  • maybe someday one of us will go, but let’s try to keep everything we created in heart, try to always live it up until that time - time we’ll be together again.

And yes, it’s not about I love you or you love me anymore. It’s all about we love for who we are and we love bigger for who we are going to be.


What is being alone used for ?

Yeah, what is being alone used for ? This question suddenly comes when I realize that I will spend the rest of today just by myself, while my best friends are with their fellas, while my family spend holiday together, while my boss enjoys his weekend by preparing his daughter's birthday party with his big family.

Sometimes I just think that it would be something unfair because I have to do everything alone while others do it together. Why can't I be like that too ? I meant to laugh with others is absolutely more fun than to laugh with no one, though I always still can enjoy it. Well, maybe that's why God didn't create only one person. He created a lot because He understood that nobody wants to be lonely, because there will be no life without togetherness.

But why do I still to be alone ? I have thought about it a lot and I haven't found what the rightest answer is, there are so many possibilities about it. But one thing I trust the most is because I need it sometimes. Yeah, sometimes I need to be alone. I need it because when I'm alone I'm entirely belong to myself. Realize or not, when we're together with others we're often being someone else and it makes us tired sometimes. We just need to be honest about it.

I didn't mean I hate to do things with others, I love it so bad. But I believe that what I've done alone - just by myself determines my worth. I definitely can see who the truly I am when I see what I've done alone. Honestly, I was afraid being alone then I realized that a lot of my unhappiness came from my fear to be alone. But what I believe now is there's nothing wrong with being alone when I need it.

When I'm tired with others I just take my time to be alone, to be someone who entirely belongs to the very real me, to be someone who really knows how to love myself. And it really works. It really works to make me still understand who exactly I am and it also reminds me that, though I can be alone in many times I can't be alone all the time on my whole life. It makes me sure that nothing ever exists entirely alone, because realize or not, want or don't want everything is in relation to everything else. And maybe the reason why it does exist is because though we were born and we will die alone, God doesn't want us to live alone.